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★New menu themes:
-Evil gang [Nais Brawl]
-Summer 2024 [Gus]

★New brawlers:
Cartoonio (from Nais Brawl)
Ophelia (from Crystal Brawl)
Mystbrone (from GTX Brawl)
Stitch (Stuffy & Sceptile380)

★Rarity changes:
Gabi - Epic > Mythic
Mastarr - Mythic > Epic
Hollis - Epic > Rare
Plane - Epic > Rare (Battle pet too)
Betty - Epic > Super Rare
Plark - Mythic > Super Rare
Puff - Mythic > Legendary
Cosmo - Epic > Mythic
Christian - Super Rare > Epic

★New skins:
Cthulhu Chester [Merik2.0]
Pandora Chester [Merik2.0]
Evil Stella [Merik2.0]
Purple Demon Florence [Merik2.0]
Fredbear Stitch [Sceptile380]
Zombinio [Andrei]
Carnage Zombinio [Btman]
Popstar Ophelia [Btman]
Bling Ranged Bot
Bling Mouse Bot
Bling Punch Bot
Bling Boss Bot
Snowglobe Puff [Sceptile380]
Purple Death Kaiju > Devious Kaiju [Sceptile & TagasArt]

★New portraits:
Aenon (Hectus)
Hollis (Hectus)
Electro (Hectus)
Elord (Hectus)
Cosmo (Hectus)
Flux (Hectus)
Plark (Hectus)
Vibernito (Hectus)
Mastarr (Hectus)
Hert (Hectus)
Chester (Hectus)
Cartoonio (Hectus)
Ophelia (Hectus)

★New pins:
Vibernito (VitDude)
Skyler (VitDude)
Cartoonio (VitDude)
Ophelia (VitDude)
Mystbrone (VitDude)
Stitch (Sceptile380)
Stella (Gus)

Coco Hollis
Hoppip Hollis > Evil Hollis
Magnezone Hollis > Ice Cream Hollis

★Other things:
Starr Force enviroment removed.
Brawler creator credit removed from class type.
Improved many descriptions.
Removed: Tommy, Felis, Spudow, Dexter, Peashooter, Sceptile.
Added: speed, healing, poison, slow tiles.
Heist safe health increased to 60000.

★New effects:
Mecha Kaiju
Coco Hollis
Lunar Koko
Tennis Koko
Smooth Kazaam
Poseidon Kazaam
Cowboy Chris
Egyptian Chris
Magician Chris
Karakasa Chris
Aqua Fyra
Santa Zap
Cupid Zap
Jane Rich
Holiday Spirit Jane

★New maps:
Gem Grab:
Plain Square > Skull Map [Rosa Quartz]
Velvet Season > Televised [Rosa Quartz]

Graveyard > Downward Spiral [MZMR]
Sherbet Towers > Graveyard Ship [Hamza]

Blooming Temple > Jumper [Hamza]
Cactus Trap > Emerald Oasis [GT GMX]

Castle Heist > Groovy Garden [Jeff]
Stacked > Cosmic Ship [nonprogamer_dc]

Brawl Ball:
Playbox > Death Ring [MZMR]
Beachy Field > Retro Fields [Hamza]

Hot Zone:
Acid Zone > Tidal Waves [MZMR]
Gift Frenzy > Windows [Hamza]

Present Plunder:
Side Tracked > Courtyard [GameWorm]
Only Gaps > Short Store [GameWorm]

★Balance changes:
Super spread decreased by 21%.
Space between Super popcorn decreased.
Attack damage increased by 10%.

Health increased from 2900 to 3500.
Attack radius decreased by 20%.
Attack damage increased by 8%.
Movement speed decreased from Fast to Normal.

Super no longer has stun effect.

Attack now spawns 1 Peep at a time instead of 5 at once.

Attack projectile homing duration reduced.
Super pet projectile homing duration reduced.
Attack range decreased from 21 to 19.
Attack damage increased by 4%.

Health increased from 3500 to 5000.
Movement speed increased from Normal to Fast.

Delay between attacks slightly decreased.

Attack explosion damage is no longer tripled.
Attack explosion projectile minimum damage decreased from 40% to 25%.
Attack damage increased by 10%.
First Star Power speed buff decreased from 34% to 17%.
Second Gadget heal increased from 2000 to 2250.
Movement speed decreased from Very Fast to Normal.

Attack cooldown increased from 150 to 250 miliseconds.

Attack cooldown increased from 40 to 150 miliseconds.
Attack reload speed increased from 0.65 to 0.8 seconds.

Health increased from 2900 to 3600.
Attack damage increased by 7%.
Attack reload speed increased from 1.3 to 1.4 seconds.

Attack damage increased by 26%.

Attack cooldown increased from 250 to 300 miliseconds.
Attack damage decreased by 5%.

Attack damage increased by 8%.

Attack cooldown decreased from 50 to 0 miliseconds.
Attack damage decreased by 12%.
Second Star Power damage decreased from 150 to 50.
Super no longer charges automatically.

Health increased from 2700 to 2900.
Super charge increased from 4 to 7 hits.
Super auto charge increased from 15 to 26 seconds.
Super projectile speed decreased by 11%.
First Star Power ammo recharge decreased from 0.5 to 0.35.

Attack cooldown increased from 125 to 250 miliseconds.
Attack reload speed increased from 1.4 to 1.5 seconds.
Attack projectile speed decreased by 12%.
Super charge speed decreased by 9%.

Attack homing duration reduced.
Reduced kickback when attacking.

Attack damage increased by 7%.
Attack cooldown increased from 150 to 250 miliseconds.
Attack mines are slightly closer to eachother.

Attack damage/heal increased by 6%.
First Star Power damage increased from 30 to 60, and healing increased from 15 to 30.

Health increased from 3000 to 3400.

Super cooldown increased from 100 to 250 miliseconds.
Super spread increased.
Super range decreased from 30 to 25.

Movement speed decreased from Very Fast to Normal.
Health increased from 2700 to 2800.
Reload speed increased from 1.1 to 1.6 seconds.
Attack area size decreased by 16%.
Attack damage increased by 51%.
Attack cooldown increased from 150 to 200 miliseconds.
Pet slow duration increased from 0.6 to 1 second.
Pet attack speed increased from 0.68 seconds to 0.85.
Pet projectile speed decreased by 5%.
Pet attack area size decreased by 25%.

Attack damage increased by 100%.
Super damage increased by 50%.
Super homing duration decreased in half.
Super no longer pierces targets.

Health increased from 3500 to 3600.
Attack damage no longer gets lower or higher.
Attack damage increased by 5%.
Charged projectile bounciness reduced.
Rony's Super drink no longer gives a damage boost.

Attack cooldown increased from 250 to 450 miliseconds.

Ranged Bot
Health increased from 2300 to 2400.
Movement speed decreased from Fast to Normal.
Attack projectile speed decreased by 5%.
Super projectile speed increased by 8%.

Health increased from 5000 to 5200.
Movement speed increased from Very Slow to Slow.

Attack damage increased by 56%.
Attack reload speed decreased from 4 to 3.5 seconds.

Super damage increased by 2%.
Trait area increased slighty.

Attack damage increased by 7%.
Attack projectile speed decreased by 9%.
Charged attack projectile speed decreased by 4%.
Super charge increased from 6 to 7 hits.

Battle pet changes:
Sherryl: 25% > 10% shield, 170 > 200 speed
Kaiju: 25% > 5% shield, 170 > 200 speed
Plane: 25% > 20% shield, 170 > 130 speed
Kai: 25% > 15% shield, same speed
Rave: 25% > 10% shield, 170 > 200 speed
Fern: 25% > 5% shield, 170 > 200 speed
Lex: 25% > 15% shield, same speed
Fyra: 25% > 20% shield, 170 > 130 speed
Kazaam: 25% > 15% shield, same speed
Koko: 25% > 20% shield, 170 > 130 speed
Buff duration: 5 > 4 seconds.
Uses: 3 > 2.
Reason: they not only give you a good pet but also give you some stat increases so this change makes sense.

Koko first Star Power
Boss Bot

All pushbacks are now in one of these categories:
Very low (70)
Low (100)
Average (150)
High (200)
Strong (250)
Grimly (25)

All pulls are now in one of these categories:
Low (-80)
Average (-150)
High (-220)
Strong (-400)
Instant (-1000)
Skyler (-300 ,-450, -600)

All slows are now in one of these categories:
Low (100)
Average (150)
High (200)
Strong (350)
Jack/Zap (500)
Koko (300)

Stuns are not affected by this change because they are usually using the same increments.

★Bug fixes:
Boss Bot and Gummy now share the same movement speed, as previously one had it slightly higher than the other.
Rony movement speed was fixed, it now correctly display as Fast.
Jane Super gravity now works correctly.
Hold2shoot now works with autoaim and it can no longer be used before the match starts.
Map previews now look better.

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